March 27, 1864

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April 11, 1864



Orange County. Virginia   Camp Near Orange C.H.  Aprel. 7. 1864


Dear Sister


    Whith the greatest pleasure I read your very welcome letter of the 6th

ultimate.  & can assure you its contents are duly noted & I hasten to respond.  but do not know that I am inpossesion of any thing, interresting to you   However I will give it for what it worth.  I received your letter yesterday, which found me in good helth & this leaves me the same & I sincerly hope this may find you enjoying the same good Blesing.  Willy & James Posy has gotten back to the regt.  but you or some of the girls in Stafford liked to got them dificulty for they staid 5 days over there time.  but They come out clear.  Nanny you must go down & Stay with Mag all you can dont let the yankees scear you.  I hope they wont make another rade down there soon I am verry sorry to bear that they took Elliott a prisnor give my respects to mr Jett and the girles and tell them that Alvarado is hear and is well at presant.  and he has ben court marcialed but I dont know what his sentenance is yet. But I think his punishment will be light.  he has writen to them sence he has ben hear.  Nanny I have witnessed 3 of the aufullest Sights I ever saw.  there has ben 1 man (Samuel Dent) shot out of our company.  and one out of company G in our Regt. and one in the 55 Regt.  5 our company had to shoot one of them. it sertainly did make me feel awful to see A man tide to a stake and our company walk out in front of him to shoot.  You cant amagine the feelings I had.  There were others who were sentanced to be shot but I heard that General Lee had reprieve them & I hope it is so.  I have no news of any importance to write.  evry thing are quiet in front to day we have had a great deal of wet weather for the last week or tow.  But today the weather is verry pleasant. I hope this year will end this cruel war.  it is the impression of agreat many that it will end this year.  but I expect there will be a great deal blood shed before it dose end.  I trust in Lord that I may be Spard to See the end of this war, and return back to my poor wife & children again to live in peace the remainder of my life. James Posy Sends his respects you and the famly. give my respects to John & Virginia and the children and all inquiring friends & also to your Farther & Sisters and keep a potion for your Self.  Willy is well and sends his respects to you and the famly.  I will now bring my uninterresting letter to a close By Remaining your affectionate Friend untill death.


John W. Watson To Nancy Garner(?)



You must excuse all mistakes and blots and bad writing please write soon & let me hear from you  So good by until we meet again by Pen or in person.

